So it finally happened - I finally cracked. At 21 years old I was
sitting under my tiny little table in my parents' house, rocking myself back
and forth with tears streaming down my face. My mascara from 3 days ago was
creating dark patches under my eyes, my voice was croaking due to dehydration
and my bum was starting to a little numb; neither my bleached grey leggings nor
my uni society hoody was aiding my comfort levels. I was the epitome of
pathetic and I knew it.
After a good hour of feeling sorry for myself, I did what any other sane person would do and ran to my parents' room, picked my dad's laptop off his lap and awkwardly planked on his legs while crying (insert "blubbering") uncontrollably.
"What's wrong?" he whispered
while gently stroking my hair off my face and reaching for his endless supply
of handkerchiefs.
Well, let me tell you...
My name is Tanvi. I am 21 years old and I
am studying at an elite (but not elitist) university in England. I am in my
final year of a biochemistry degree and all I can say for myself is that I am a
failed medic†. I have no special skills or talents* and, contrary to popular
stereotype, my strong melanin production and thick glasses have not given me
some form of higher intelligence. I don't play any sports, I'm not part of any
exciting societies and although I love to travel, I really can't
afford to do so.
In summary, I'm generally quite an uninteresting person with not much planned for my future.
I am writing this blog to describe my
final days of studenthood and my first few steps into the "real"
world and whatever that may actually entail. If all the Cosmopolitan articles
are true, then I'm pretty sure this involves a) multiple bad decisions and b) many bottles of wine (I
think the cause and effect are interchangeable at this point). I am sure there
are countless different blogs just like this one, but this is as much for me as
it is for your entertainment. I can already say that there may be quite a few rants on here,
and I am likely to digress more often than not but please, stick by me, I hope
I'll be worth the wait.
Tanvi x.
† failed medic = unsuccessful applicant for a medicine degree.
* this includes writing (or attempts at)
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